Am I cheated?

2019-07-19 16:54

I came across an employment case.

I signed a contract with an authorized company as a salesman. However, after the boss discovered I have computing background, he asked me to design website for him. Now the website is almost done, then he canceled my employment pass without any notice...

During this period of time, he only paid salesman salary.

Am I cheated in this case?
What should I do now?

Thanks for your time.

2 个回答


2019-07-19 16:54


is it stated in the contract that either party has to give notice period?
Personal opinion:
asking a salesman to do a website is fair if both party agrees.
however, if he fires you because you can not do a website well, then he might have an issue.
check your job description on your contract clearly.

2019-07-19 16:54


It's stated in Employment Act!
"asking a salesman to do a website is fair if both party agrees"
but I didn't agree leh~
If he sensed I don't want to do that, then terminate contract, is it an issue?

Since I said "sign a contact as a salesman", then IT IS a salesman contract. It doesn't matter how good I can design a website at all....What are you predicting?

