ecotools 的刷子 新加坡 屈城氏有买了~~
刷子套装都是28.9新币~~~ 单只好象是19元....
比如derma e,比如roc,屈程氏觉得新加坡人都是傻子阿,他们才不会花七八十元买一个他们并不熟悉的牌子...所以很多时候,屈程氏的有些牌子就像昙花一样,只能出现一阵子,等所有柜列产品都落灰的时候,也就是他们消失的时候。
话说,5年前,我在大巴窑guardian还看到过 korres,这个牌子,每每路过看到就会感叹为什么这个牌子这么贵, 感叹了没半年,就没影了.....不过现在korres重新杀回新加坡,还以专卖店的方式,虽然价格还是那么贵,但是新加坡人可能比较吃有华美装修的专卖店的一套吧,去的人还蛮多的....他家开业的时候有waiter拿着托盘提供橙汁,我口渴路过看到,为了橙汁便混进去看看,结果一边喝橙汁一边被惊吓....新加坡进口商不厚道啊不厚道,他们太暴利了............
5pc set is 29.9, 4pc set is a bit cheaper, single brush range from 6.XX to 1X.XX
I can't really remember the exact price but the eyeliner brush is definately 6.XX,and foundation brush is $11.X Honestly speaking I think the price is quite reasonable. given that you need to pay shipping if buying from US.
btw there is a new 5 pc set with the same brush as the old one but with a square bamboo brush holder instead of the brush roll.