请教各位达人,关于ABN AMRO EDS

2019-07-19 16:10
有人在那里工作或是知道关于这间公司的信息么?网上的相关信息不是很具体。我申请的职位是information associate,工作内容是system implementation.也请做过类似工作的各位前辈谈谈经验心得。谢谢:)

3 个回答


2019-07-19 16:10


heard of ABN Amro and EDS, but don't know ABN Amro EDS :)
ABN Amro is a dutch bank and EDS is an IT service company.

They have outsourcing contract, I believe your position is with EDS and is servicing ABN Amro account

2019-07-19 16:10


我不是SOC出身的,底气不足啊 @_@ 谢谢大象gg!!!

2019-07-19 16:10


I have seen many non-CS staffs in IT organization
There are different kind positions require different skill set which is not neccessarily hardcore IT.

EDS is not doing great espacially in South east asia though.