well..it involves a lot of thinking...hehe
as far as i know, barcap is extremely difficult to enterthe video is quite interesting
Barclays tends to hire those...experienced people, who have performed quite well in other banks.They seldom take graduate students, unless you have extremely good academic result and impressive CCA record.
agreebut exception does happen :)
dun agree据我所知,我觉得其实不是这样的,我就知道好几个朋友已经拿到了barclay 的offer, 其实很主要的原因不是看你又多好,多厉害,而是你申请的position他们要不要请人,请多少人。我的朋友申请的IT, 现在已经拿到了,还有一个朋友成绩是滥到不行,可是还是进了interview,如果你是apply IT, operation 或者product control,机会肯定高一些。本人申请的是risk, 后来才知道他们risk 只要一个人,被rejected 是理所当然的事
it involves a lot of thinking...hehe