大学本科毕业不知不觉工作三四年了,最近一直觉得是时候提升自己,特别在Softskills 和 管理方面的知识。说到这个学历,父母一直希望我读个硕士,国内的同学有的现在博士都快拿到了。
最近研究MBA,也朋友讨论过,发现除了softskills 和 network, 转行和薪水是大卖点。 看过这边的MBA毕业情况,大概起薪平均十万年薪或者多一些。而且我也没有转行的想法,MBA更多的是一个中途加油的。如果花两年时间去读个MBA,只是学了softskills似乎有鸡肋, 还不说十几万的花费和机会成本 (两年的薪水和职业发展)。不知道是不是因为自己理科出生的原因,感觉MBA包装不错,softskills 有点花架子的说。。。
why MBA
typical scenarios:
junior executive/engineer in industry targeting a career in consulting or banking
junior consultant/banker targeting a career in funds/pe/vc
mid-level executive/manager facing 'bottleneck' in their career, targeting at a higher rank in the same industry
while mba students come from all sorts of backgrounds, they are typically looking for some changes or opportunities which would be hard to reach without the help of a mba degree.
since you are pretty happy with your current pay and more importantly, the job prospect, mba seems a less appealing option for you.