
2017-09-21 07:52


3 个回答


2017-09-21 07:52



事情刚刚发生, 我了解的大概也就是你说的这些. 有新消息我再来更新.

补充点详细资料吧:事件的发生地是在小印度, 属于新加坡相当市中心的地方, 是南亚人士(印度, 巴基斯坦, 孟加拉等地的客工)聚集的地方, 一向就属于新加坡的治安问题多发区域.

从目前公开的消息来看, 起因是因为在私人巴士上一个印度籍客工在因醉酒被赶下车, 后发生意外被该巴士压到以至当场死亡, 然后司机报了警, 他的朋友们拉司机出来暴打, 此时己经有很多人在围观了.(私人巴士司机是新加坡华人. 目击者称车祸受害者的朋友们喝醉了, 处于极度激动的状态.)

因何导致暴乱, 目前有我所知的两个版本, 到底是什么原因, 现在众说纷云:A. 因为这个印度人被压在巴士车轮下, 消防车要吊起该巴士才能救出此人, 但围观群众太多, 消防员在驱散群众的过程中产生了肢体冲突, 进而引发暴乱.B. 救护车到来以后, 宣布这个印度人己经死亡, 但他们朋友们不接受, 坚持还有救并开始殴打救护人员, 引发暴乱.

到目前为止(2013/12/09),被警方逮捕的滋事者一共27人, 但总共至少有400人参与了骚乱。 他们涉嫌放火焚烧三辆警车、一辆救护车和一辆摩托车,九辆民防部队车辆损毁。 事件造成18人受伤送院,当中十人是警员、四人是民防人员。

事态算是相当严重的, 新加坡除了建国初期发生过种族骚乱以来, 这是建国以来第二次发生这种群体性暴力事件.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------以下是目前新加坡整体的社会环境, 有部分是我个人的猜测以及未经证实的消息, 仅作参考, 如有错误万望指正:

如果成真, 受这条影响最大的就是学生和这些低层次的外籍劳工了.

目前新加坡人和外国人的矛盾相当尖锐了, 来自政府层面的政策抑制, 民间以及互联网上的攻击无所不在. 在新加坡, 限制外劳, 就是政治正确, 没有一个公众人物敢触这条高压线. 对在新外国人来说, 每天听到看到的, 无论是电视电台广播互联网, 都是如何限制外国人, 难免会形成心理影响, 这都是群体事件的潜在诱因.

2017-09-21 07:52


have been here since 2007. got something to share with you.

Frankly speaking, over the past 3 years, the topic 'foreign workers' has bee hot and sensitave locally. in 2012, straight times reported that there's 1 million PRC (people from China mainland) in Singapore whereas the total population is below 6 million. If you consider workers from India, Philipines and other developing country, the foreign population is growing to a extreme level that threats local people's life.

Hereby, we simplify the problem into job opportunity

1. Job opportunity. Further simplify to high-end (IT, Finance, Biotechnology, Pharmacy) And low-end (manufacturing, construction, retail, service)

For high-end industry, obviously employees need tertiary education background (bachelor, master or PHD degree). Singapore government has been taking in scholars over pan Asia since 20 years ago. However, the scholarship programme has been down-sized since 2008~2010. Reason being, local people complains that too much foreign students are in their University (NTU, NUS). The simply think that the scholars have pushed up their admission line (A-level result: which is similar to Gao Kao in China). After all, this is not the major field that foreigners are critisized. The well-educated colleagues understand government's policy and importance of foreign talents.

a middle-aged man from Hei Long Jiang working in a construction site in Ha'er Bin, earns 3000RMB in China. When he pays the agent fee, he works in Singapore but the pay is around 10000RMB after converting by rate. Definately he will work hard for no reason nor excuse. Meanwhile, local workers are complaining about their pay and argue for holiday and CPF (central provident fund, like Gong Ji Jin). As an employer, the preference will be quiet clear. Locals' complaint is " You PRC are grabbing our job opportunity" In Chinese: Fan(4) Wan(3).

Such complaints are piling up and all the resentment and pressure are towards foreigners, and in some sense, Government as well. Government has to take action. Foreigners have to pay much more to buy HDB (cheap apartments). Less opportunities to be employeed. Lowever payment. Most unbearable, some rude citizens ( Let's hold a chestnut: Da(4) Ma(1)) will say something impolitely on your face. Though I haven't had such experience yet, I know this does exist.

As Sarajevo for the World War, the angry people and party just need an excuse!

The riot has been on the way, it's just a matter of arrival time. And it was here last week.

Lucky enough, on this island, people are calm enough and government is strong enough to get things under control. I've been sitting in the office waiting to discuss with my local colleagues. But they are not caring the riot at all! Just like nothing had happened.

Lastly, my apologize, this sucking computer doesn't support typing Chinese. Qiu(2) Zhe(2) Die(2)

2017-09-21 07:52



