版上有考过CFA 的么?

2019-07-16 20:21
请教一下有没有在新加坡考过CFA的 版友, 考试的时候不允许带手机什么的, 考试的时候可以把包 (放手机什么的) 放在考场外面么? 会有保安人员什么的帮忙管理么?还是直接没人管, 只能带check list 上的东西?

3 个回答


2019-07-16 20:21


CFA Exam Personal Belongings Policy
The CFA Exam Personal Belongings Policy lists the items that may be permitted in the testing room and those that may not. View the lists below.

You are strongly encouraged to leave your personal belongings at home or in your car. As a courtesy, your test center will have an area designated for personal belongings. If you must bring items to the test center, ensure they are clearly identifiable as many look the same, particularly mobile phones.
If proctors or security personnel find items in the testing room that are not permitted, they will be confiscated or placed in the personal belongings area. CFA Institute, testing personnel, the test center, and vendors are not responsible or liable for stolen, lost, misplaced, or damaged personal property in the personal belongings area or at the test center.
The following items must be kept on your desk:
Exam admission ticket Valid international travel passport Approved calculators Approved writing instruments  The following items may be kept on your desk, if needed:
Manual pencil sharpeners (no knives) Erasers, with no paper holder or cover Loose calculator batteries (no packaging) and screwdriver for battery replacement Calculator cases and keystroke cards Eyeglasses, but not the eyeglasses case Earplugs Wristwatches (analog and digital) with alarms and timers silenced; however, all smart watches are prohibited  The following items are permitted in the testing room but must remain in your pockets or under your chair when not in use:
Wallet (money purse) Medicine, tissues, and other necessary medical or personal items Gum, hard candy, cough drops Eyeglasses case Keys The following items are not permitted:
Food or drinks Baggage of any kind, including transparent bags, backpacks, handbags, tote bags, briefcases, luggage, carrying cases, passport covers, or pencil cases Study materials, including notes, papers, textbooks, or study guides Scratch paper, present/future value tables, or calculator manuals Highlighters, correction fluid, correction tape, or rulers Weapons of any kind Mobile phones, cameras, headsets, computers, tablets, wearable technology (such as fitbit or other fitness tracking devices), smart watches, or any Bluetooth-enabled or any remote communication or photographic devices Any type of desk clock or timer

2019-07-16 20:21


几年前考的,会有designated area可以放包

2019-07-16 20:21


不带担心有个什么事,没法联系哇。 这样到时候可以带点notes , 到时候跟手机一起放那里。
可以顺便问一下, 透明的zip block bag 可以带进去么? 我看网上很多说门口就被扣下了, 所有的东西抓在手里进去。。。

