讨论sino env : with its high volatility, today it surge up 10% by just

2019-07-19 23:08
100+ lots buying.


2 个回答


2019-07-19 23:08


附图:intraday chart

2019-07-19 23:08


100 + lots can be its whole day volume sometimes!
it was down 20 cents also just because of 70+ lots.

I think today its volume is extraordinarily high , "1st abnormal behaviour"

its surge of prices is also bigger than its normally volatility "second abnormal behaviour"

If have enough bullets, will load in some first.

Quite some brokerage houses is sitting in it and its boss , to show the determination, openly purchased 2m+ shares in the market to calm the market,
which gives more confidence to this company.

last time the 2.41 done when it was about 3.2, was error trade, which also affected a lot of short term players.

I still not sure how that thing was settled . anyway, watch.

