如果对于employ foregin workers 比例有限制,韦什莫中餐馆里还有那末多中国人呢?
I went to Ministry of Manpower's website, it says that only 50% of the total worf force can be foreginers and out of this 50% , 10% can be Chinese.
But we saw a lot of Chinese workers here nowadays , even in YIH canteen.
Anyone has any idea how they go about recruiting so many foreign workers?Any loopholes in the policy to exploit?
if i am not wrong, this is about Foreign workers on Work Permits for
service sector
canteen的工人应该不是YIH canteen直接雇佣的,我猜他们这种应该是像清洁工人一样都受雇于一个公司,然后再由公司分配他们去各个地方帮忙的吧,这样子10%的比例就不是在一个canteen就可以看出来的了