从CPF board收到一张Health Declaration Form for MediShield Scheme
1) 我在他们发给我的信里面找到两个地址。。。Which address should I send my declaration to please? Is it Robinson Road, P.O.Box 3060, Singapore 905060 or 79 Robinson Road, CPF Building, Singapore 068897?
2) Instead, can I simply email them a scanned copy of the signed Declaration Form and keep the original copy on my side?
3) Do I need any medical check-up to get insured?
CPF board也不随信送一个写好地址的信封给我。。。只好请各位已经弄好的大虾们指点一下啦。
觉得这个MediShield Scheme好像很有用的说~~
1. 79 Robinson Road, CPF Building, Singapore 068897这个才是CPF Board的地址,之前他们是有给回复信封的,难道现在不给了?
2. 肯定不行,健康申明他们需要交给assigned的保险公司,需要原件。
3. 不需要
MediShield Scheme的确不错,不过它只是一个非常基本的保障,只要是针对中低下层收入群体的,如果要更高的保障,就需要自己把medishield upgrade成外面商业公司的shield plan,CPF Board也是如此建议大家的。