correct, depends on how you feed her food quality is not the key. Dogs are always loyal and just give her normal food thats enough.
i dunno why cats and dogs in singapore only like pet food. they look like crakers and of little smell. I have a friend feeding his dog plain rice most of time. his dog is quite nice and take it as granted.
dun let her eat outside food, especially the one on the side of way.
Little prize is a must, for good behavior and smart response.
As long as you show your tenderness and attention and always play with her, dogs would live happily.
Dogs are the pet of all kinds of ppl, the poor, the rich, the social, the lonly.
我家猪宝的前主人, 每个月花在猪宝身上300-500也是有的. 我接手后, 除了干狗粮, 还隔三差五给些罐头. 每天一个鸡蛋, 一个水果. 每周还有一些给她嚼着玩的零食. 大概一个月100左右吧. 如果不给零食会便宜些. 零食挺贵的.
不过, 我觉得在新加坡养狗, 狗食钱不是最重要的问题. 房子, 回国才是最重要的问题. 大型狗是不允许在组屋养的. 所以每次主人搬家时, 回国时, 就是送狗时. 这些狗狗很可怜的, 全心全意依赖主人. 大家要多为狗狗的未来考虑才是的.