有请 forpc 兄

2019-07-19 19:35

最近指数的 violity 比较大, 特别适合 CW/PW 左右开弓, 记得以前看过马鞍形组合特别适合目前这种市道, 可惜没仔细研读, 最近找不到相关材料了, 非常遗憾.

总觉得作一个方向还是有点风险, 所以很想了解一下,马鞍形的一些要点.

不知老兄能否指教一二. 谢谢.

2 个回答


2019-07-19 19:35


找到资料了, 原文如下, 有心者可自己琢磨.

In Rollercoaster Market:

You can pair up call and put warrants with a similar stike price. Buy doing so, you have a chance to reap a reasonable return no matter if the market swings up or down.

More experienced investors may choose to buy a call and a put with a shorter maturity (say, around 1 month) to capture the potential big moves of the underlaying in the near term. What they are eyeing is not the profit arising from the increase in implied violatity. Rather, it is the potentially huge gain from one of the two expiring warrants following the sharp changes in the undrlying price, which should be more than enough to cover all the costs and make a good profit.

这就是著名的马鞍组合理论, 专门用于对付上蹿下跳的猴市的. 他的特点就是, 不管是上蹿还是下跳, 都能获利, 安安静静的市场反而不能获利.

只是点理论探讨, 不是让大家随便去冒险的啊.

2019-07-19 19:35


指教万万不敢当,不过可以说说我的看法,以前的确花了点时间思考过指数CW/PW的L+L,L(long W)+S(Short W),S+S的组合并实际尝试了一些,效果并不好. 你说的马鞍形组合属于上述的S+S(L+L有点类似,不过L+L理论上有矛盾,再加上不太喜欢L的W,没尝试过),S+S从理论上是说的过去的,不过实际操作很难赚钱,看下前几天我们一起操作过的3400BNPCW0130及对应的3400BNPPW0130这几天的表现就很清楚了,看这张表(以闭市价为买进卖出),没有赚钱的时候.(不过如果海指波动再剧烈些有一支翻倍了,那么肯定赚钱了.)


