
近日,由深圳市罗湖区人民政府为指导单位,深圳市罗湖区科技创新局主办,深圳市源创力离岸创新中心承办,Chuang Capital(创基金)协办的第二届罗湖区大梧桐创新创业大赛新加坡分站赛在著名的纬壹科技城(one-north)圆满落幕。

新加坡南洋理工大学终身荣誉校长,原校长徐冠林先生、外专局,国际人才交流中心驻新加坡代表处郭树林先生、新加坡ETPL,A*start Central 代表Anthony先生、新加坡国家医疗创新中心(NHIC)代表、深圳市源创力离岸创新中心总裁周路明先生、ChuangCapital(创基金)创始管理合伙人曾鹏先生、Paypal孵化器负责人YY先生、拥有23年以上私募股权投资创业经验的Mr.Kok Pun Chan以及创新科技的专家,担任多家初创公司顾问,在帮助初创企业发展壮大拥有丰富经验的Mr.Michel Birnbaum等出席活动。


此次大赛吸引了多支围绕人工智能、智能制造、生物技术、区块链、物联网、大数据、新材料等高精尖科技领域的团队报名参赛,经过专家评审,最终AiTreat、Zenith Yacht Charters、BacSense、KINEXCS、Klikdaily、Microtube、Movel Ai、NDR、OrgaMo、PopulStay、Ravenry、Wondering、TIIMHealthcare、Wisdom和Techssisted Micromed共15支来自东南亚各国的创业公司和团队入围总决赛。


决赛项目路演、互动问答、评委打分等环节有序进行,并按项目总得分评出名次。最终,开发智能精准显微手术机器人系统的Techssisted Micromed(科易)夺得了冠军奖杯。



新加坡A*start Central 管理部门负责人Anthony先生为NDR团队颁奖

新加坡A*start Central 管理部门负责人Anthony先生为AiTreat团队颁奖

获得三等奖的有3个团队。分别是Microtube Technologies一种基于可拉伸、耐磨、耐洗的压阻式微管传感器材料微管传感器,可应用于静脉下溃疡的压迫包扎,通过量化的患者伤口压缩压力,实现更有效的愈合;TIIMHealthcare开发AiTriage™智能风险分层系统,可对主要不良心脏事件(MACE)和脓毒症进行快速、实时的风险分层,并结合机器学习,新算法有望胜过现有的分流系统;KINEXCS Materials为复健进度、病患教育和远程复健研发了感应器及软件。

Chuang Capital(创基金)CEO曾鹏先生为TIIMHealthcare团队颁奖

Chuang Capital(创基金)CEO曾鹏先生为Microtube团队颁奖

Chuang Capital(创基金)CEO曾鹏先生为KINEXCS团队颁奖




(一) 指导单位: 深圳市罗湖区人民政府、深圳市科技创新委员会、深圳市经济贸易和信息化委员会、深圳市人力资源和社会保障局、深圳市投资推广署

(二) 主办单位: 深圳市罗湖区科技创新局、深圳市罗湖区经济促进局、深圳市罗湖区投资推广局、深圳市松禾创新资本管理股份有限公司、深圳市创赛基金投资管理有限公司

(三)承办单位: 深圳市源创力离岸创新中心



It was an exciting and grueling month of June for the Startup community in Singapore. Together, the Shenzhen Luohu District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Shenzhen CRI Innovation Centre and Chuang Capital organised the 2nd China (Shenzhen Luohu) Da Wutong Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition in Singapore, on the 25th of June, at the JTC Launchpad Meeting Point, One North.

The event was opened by Guest of Honor Professor Su Guaning, President Emeritus of Nanyang Technological University, Mr Guo Shulin Deputy Director International Talent Exchange as well as Mr Zhou Lumin, CRI Innovation Centre Chairman who gave an intriguing speech on the opportunities and benefits for foreign innovative startups in Shenzhen Luohu.

Judges that graced the event include Mr Anthony Chong A*Start Central ETPL, Mr Zeng Peng Founder and Partner Chuang Capital, Mr YY Lai Lead of Startup & Incubation Paypal, Mr Chan Kok Pun Business Mentor NTUitive innovation Centre and Mr Michel Birnbaum NTUitive EIR & Mentor for Lean Startups.

Group photo of Guest of Honor and Judges

The event successfully attracted many Singaporean and South East Asian start-ups to participate. With a variety of specializations, ranging from Artificial Intelligence, Smart Manufacturing, Biotechnology, Blockchain, IoT, Big Data, New Materials to hybrids of these sophisticated technologies.

An initial online evaluation was conducted where, AiTreat, Zenith Yacht Charters, BacSense, KINEXCS, Klikdaily, Microtube, Movel Ai, NDR, OrgaMo, PopulStay, Ravenry, Wondering, TIIMHealthcare, Wisdom and Techssisted Micromed were selected as the finalists to pitch on-site for the Singapore Finale.

JTC Launch Pad Meeting Point – Location of the Singapore Finals

After an arduous day of pitching and questioning, Techssisted Micromed was crowned the Champion Team and walked away with a hefty sum of SGD$6,000 in cash money. Techssisted MicroMed is an NTU Spin-off founded in 2016 that focuses on R&D of medical robots for microsurgery and to provide solutions in the microsurgical field.

Mr Zhou Lumin presents a cheque to the Champion Team Techssisted Micromed

The 1st Runner up places went to NDR Medical Technology; a medtech start-up that develops surgical robots known as Automated Needle Targeting (ANT) to assist surgeons during minimally invasive surgery, and AiTreat; a start-up that creates a robotic system for soft tissue therapeutic treatment, tackling the shortage of skilled massage therapists while providing world-class healthcare treatment and lowering treatment costs. Both teams walked away with a respectable SGD$4,000 in cash money.

Mr Anthony Chong presents a cheque to 1st Runner up Team NDR Medical Technology

Mr Anthony Chong presents a cheque to 1st Runner up Team AiTreat

Last but not least, the 2nd Runner up teams were

Microtube Technologies; developing flexible, stretchable, wearable, and washable piezoresistive microtubular sensor capable of measuring compression bandaging for venous leg ulcers.

TIIMHealthcare; Creating aiTriage™, an intelligent risk stratification system that incorporates clinical information, heart rate variability (HRV), ECG parameters and vital signs into a scoring system for rapid, real-time risk stratification of Major Adverse Cadiac Events (MACE) and sepsis.

KINEXCS; A company that creates Medical Devices suitable for Remote Rehabilitation.

All three teams walked away with a decent SGD$2,000 in cash money.

Mr Zeng Peng presents a cheque to 2nd Runner Up Microtube Technologies

Mr Zeng Peng presents a cheque to 2nd Runner Up TIIMHealthcare

Mr Zeng Peng presents a cheque to 2nd Runner Up KINEXCS

The 2nd China Luohu District Da Wutong Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition, was created to promote and cultivate the new industrial zone of Da Wutong in Luohu as a district for innovation and entrepreneurship. The winners of the Singapore Division if in line with policy conditions will be given the opportunity to participate in the Shenzhen Luohu finals later on in the year. And if they win again and have met the conditions for setting up base in Shenzhen Luohu, financial support for their industrial development, settlement and special housing privileges will be awarded on top of all the attractive prize money amounting up to ¥450k.

Let’s wish all the top 6 teams success in the Shenzhen Grand Finals and we look forward to another round of exciting competitions next year!

The Judges and the top 6 teams

Instructors: Shenzhen Luohu District People’s Government, Shenzhen Science and Technology Innovation Committee, Shenzhen Economic and Trade and Information Committee, Shenzhen Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, Shenzhen Investment Promotion Agency; Main Organisers: Shenzhen Luohu District Science and Technology Innovation Bureau, Shenzhen Luohu District Economic Promotion Bureau, Shenzhen Luohu District Investment Promotion Bureau, Shenzhen City Songqi Innovation Capital Management Co. Ltd., Shenzhen City Innovation Competition Fund Investment Management Co., Ltd. Sub Organiser: Shenzhen CRI Innovation Center Singapore Co-organiser: ChuangCapital Partners: ETPL, A*StartCentral 、NHIC、NUS Chinese Students’ Committee、Jiangsu Association(SG)、GEA、singapore eye

  • 发表于 2019-07-16 23:59
  • 阅读 ( 357 )
  • 分类:新闻

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