

Internet Banking Bill Payment

今天,福智霖将和大家分享,如何用网银方式来支付新加坡个人所得税和房产税。 首先您需要有以下这些新加坡本地的银行账户。


Pay via Internet Banking Bill Payment if you have an individual account with BOC CIMB DBS/POSB HSBC ICBC MayBank OCBC RHB Standard Chartered Bank State Bank of India or UOB, or a corporate account with DBS/POSB HSBC OCBC Standard Chartered Bank or UOB.

Making Payment


To make payment via Internet Banking:

Log in to your bank's Internet Banking Portal 首先,您需要登录网络银行

Select the "Bill Payment" option and select "IRAS" as the Billing Organisation 选择Bill Payment,并且选择IRAS,也就是新加坡国内税务局的网站


You must enter the Tax Reference Number or the 14-Digit Payment Slip Number under Bill Reference/ Bill Account/ Consumer Reference Number field.


The Payment Slip is issued together with your Tax Bill if you are not on a GIRO payment plan.


For Corporate Tax/ GST/ Withholding Tax payments, select "IRAS-OTHERS" and enter the 14-Digit Payment Slip Number.

如果是支付企业所得税,消费税,预提税,那么请选择IRAS-OTHERS, 输入14位的税务凭证号码。

For Individual Income Tax payments, select "IRAS-INCOME TAX" and enter the NRIC or FIN Number.


针对个人所得税的付款,可以选择IRAS-INCOME TAX, 输入个人的身份证号码(新加坡公民或者PR)或者Fin No(外国准证持有者)

For Property Tax payments, select "IRAS-PTY TAX" and enter the Property Tax Reference Number. 针对房产税的付款,请选择IRAS-PTY TAX, 输入房产税的凭证号码。

Enter the amount you wish to pay. This amount is subject to the daily Internet Banking payment limit set by your bank。之后,输入需要交纳的金额,然后进行付款即可。(可付款的金额也取决于您设定的当日网银交易金额顶限设置)

  • 发表于 2019-08-08 13:19
  • 阅读 ( 465 )
  • 分类:社会百科

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