等待已久。是的,来自首尔Isaac Toast最让人吃了一口就爱上的韩国吐司将在7月份抵达新加坡。
除此之外,其实如果现在想吃到Issac Toast就是在马来西亚吉隆坡机场(KLIA2)还有在Johor Bahru Paradigm购广场的三楼。
Isaac Toast就像是韩国连锁早餐店,不少地铁店出口不远处、重要的景点、人潮聚集之地,都有红色分店!
Isaac Toast吐司的美味在于…涂上奶油、奶酪; 加上起司、脆高丽菜、酸黄瓜、鸡蛋…(流口水) 其实很多台湾早餐汉堡店也有这种作法,但酱料略有不同,所以吃来不太一样,比较甜一点,不会洒胡椒!
将于2018年7月中旬在新加坡Plaza Singapura 地下二楼(Isaac Toast—popular Korean toast chain—is opening in Singapore at Plaza Singapura level B2 in mid-July 2018.)
The wait has been long. Yes, the most popular Korean Toast from Seoul Isaac Toast is coming to Singapore next month in July.
The brand is brought in here by the same group that launched Yoogane in Singapore, with location of the flagship kiosk to be at Plaza Singapura Basement 2.
Meanwhile, the next nearest places to get Issac Toast would be in Malaysia.
Outlets up north include Gateway at Kuala Lumpur International Airport 2 (KLIA2) Arrival Hall, and Johor Bahru Paradigm Mall Level 3.
For those of you who are not familiar with Isaac Toast, it is known for its breakfast toast—savoury toasted sandwiches with fillings that include ham & cheese and bulgogi. There are different variations of toasts, of course.
Every toast is prepared upon order. You pick your preferred fillings, and the slices of bread will be toasted to a right level of crisp before the fresh fillings are piled on.
许多网友也说:从来不喜欢吃吐司的人,吃完之后也加入了崇拜Isaac Toast的行列,还没吃的人一定要试试看喔!