
2019-07-15 10:10




Do you believe there is a place in the world that can contain the world's most representative beauty?

Yes, it is the garden city of Singapore, where you can see the beautiful scenery of the Seine river in France, experience the romantic dream of the ferris wheel in England, feel the prosperity of the avenue condorti in Italy, and see the magnificent golden gate bridge in San Francisco.

The world is very big, this time, let us discover from Singapore that it hides in the "garden" is not the same beauty!





The night view of kra pier in Singapore is not inferior to that of the Seine river in France. Standing on the bank of the river to see the city's bright lights, the river wind with a romantic taste of literature and art .

地址:3 River Valley Rd, Singapore 179024





Ride the Singapore ferris wheel, day or night, and you'll get a great view of Singapore! Make an appointment in advance and have a candlelit dinner on the ferris wheel! This is more romantic than the British ferris wheel.

地址:30 Raffles Ave, Singapore 039803




莱佛士全称托马斯·史丹福·莱佛士爵士,Sir Thomas Stamford BingleRaffles,FRS(1781.7.6~1826.7.5),是英国殖民时期重要的政治家。他对于新加坡的开辟、建设、法制和长远的规划蓝图做出了相当多的努力,并立下不朽功绩,让新加坡从一个落后的小渔村发展成为世界上重要的商港之一。

The full name of Sir Thomas Stamford Raffles, Sir Thomas Stamford Bingle Raffles,FRS (1781.7.6~1826.7.5), is an important politician in the British colonial period. He made a lot of efforts to open up, construct, rule of law and long-term planning blueprint of Singapore, and made immortal achievements, making Singapore develop from a backward small fishing village into one of the important commercial ports in the world.

地址:Raffles Landing Site





Orchard road Singapore is a famous tourist street shopping, fashion trend of the hub! Like ginza in Singapore, it belongs to the central shopping district of Singapore, with numerous shopping malls and world-renowned brands. It is the must-go place for tourists to shop in Singapore. Such configuration, with Italian amorous feelings commercial street -- kang duoti is compared, be not quite also errant much .

地址:Orchard Road





Located in the central area of Singapore's famous business district, sundar city, the fountain of wealth is one of the landmark buildings in Singapore. It consists of four tilted bronze columns with a 66 meter diameter bronze ring on the top. The entire structure is 13.8 meters in vertical height. The whole fountain covers an area of 1683.07 ㎡, jet of water column can be up to 30 meters. The fountain has 12 zodiac signs on the ground around it and only opens at certain times. Walking around the fountain three times is said to bring wealth.

地址:3 Temasek Blvd, Singapore 038983





The spiral bridge in Singapore is no less beautiful than the golden gate bridge in San Francisco. It is the world's first double helix footbridge, the designer inspired by the structure of DNA, intended to express the "life and continuation, renewal and growth" of the beautiful meaning.

地址:Helix Bridge




乌敏岛(Pulau Ubin)是新加坡第三大外岛,是一个原始生态保存完好的小岛。该岛位于新加坡东北部,东面与德光岛相望,南面与新加坡本岛紧邻,北面则有柔佛海峡与马来西亚相隔。乌敏岛东西长约8公里,南北宽1.3-1.7公里,地形犹如腰果,全岛面积10.2平方公里。


Pulau Ubin, the third largest outlying island in Singapore, is a small island with intact original ecology. The island is located in the northeast of Singapore, facing tokuang island in the east, adjacent to the main island of Singapore in the south, and separated from Malaysia by the johor strait in the north. Wumin island is about 8 kilometers long from east to west and 1.3 to 1.7 kilometers wide from south to north. The topography is like cashew nuts. The whole island covers 10.2 square kilometers.

The island retains the spirit of Singapore from the 1960s and is rich in rustic atmosphere. With fewer than 50 inhabitants, the pace of life is noticeably slower than on the urbanized island.

地址:Pulau Ubin

新加坡 --日本


(新加坡Jurong Point)

如果你喜爱日本美食,就来Jurong Point的日本美食街,这里的美食不仅好吃正宗,穿行其间,还能让你仿佛置身于东京街头。

If you love Japanese food, come to Jurong Point's Japanese food street, where the food is not only delicious and authentic, but also makes you feel like you are in the streets of Tokyo.

地址:1 Jurong West Central 2, 648886



(新加坡Jurong Point)

想吃香港早茶,吃个鸡蛋仔,也要来Jurong Point ,浓郁的地方特色一定会让你流连忘返。

Want to eat Hong Kong morning tea, eat an egg, also want to come to Jurong Point, strong local characteristics will make you linger.

地址:1 Jurong West Central 2, 648886





Do you know there is a little Thailand in Singapore? Besides the erawan Buddha, you can also eat authentic Thai food and buy Thai products.

地址:5001 Beach Road, 199588





Little India, on the east bank of the Singapore river, is the ethnic community of the local tamils, a microcosm of India. There are several Hindu temples and mosques in this area, such as the viramakaraman temple, angulia Muslim temple, Vida parthiyaya masjaya Hindu temple, Jalan Muslim and so on.

地址:Little Indian





Chinatown means Singapore's Chinatown. The origin of the name of Chinatown was that there was no running water at that time. Chinatown is now home to the largest concentration of Chinese singaporeans and the modern shopping centre. There are snacks from all over China. The night market is ablaze with lights.




Singapore is a multicultural country, whose history and culture make it have the charm of diversity. Behind the reputation of “Garden City”, it is so fascinating.
