5月5日星期天白徒-文礼至裕华园 Boon Lay to Chinese Garden

2019-07-13 17:00


5th May, Sunday Morning Hike: Boon Lay to Chinese Garden




For friends who love hiking and nature, please join us to walk from Boon Lay to Chinese Garden!


Event Planner: Singapore Hiking


Leader of the Group: Ms Ayla


Protector of the team at the back: Mr Monkey King


Set Out Time: 8:30am sharp on 5th May. No waiting for late comers!


Starting Point: Boon Lay MRT Station Exit A


Ending Point: Lakeside MRT Station


Hike Route: Start from Boon Lay MRT Station, walk through Jurong Central Park. Then, walk along Jurong River all the way to Jurong Lake. After that, walk around Chinese Garden and Japanese Garden. Finally, walk to Lakeside MRT station. Along the route, there is a water top-up point in Jurong Central Park, and another six in Chinese Garden.

距离:10公里 Distance: 10km

徒步时间:2.5个小时 Walking Time: 2.5 hours

难度:中等。Difficulty Level: Intermediate

适合人群:10-65岁 Suitable for:10 to 65 Years Old



Leader’s message:

Jurong Central Park, well covered by grass and trees, is a garden with lush greenery and a cool place to hike. Chinese Garden and Jurong Lake are well integrated – you will see exotic fauna and flora, tall old trees and green bamboo forests, surrounded by a sparkling lake. You will be fascinated by what the place has to offer, whether you are leisurely walking, exercising, or having a picnic there. Hurry! Sign up for this event, and join us for a hike in this beautiful place.


1. 自备所需的饮用水,干粮,雨具,照明及防蚊喷雾剂等。

2. 行进途中请注意安全,紧跟队伍不要擅自离队;请听从领队和护尾的指挥,以免发生意外;队友之间请团结友爱,互相照应。

3. 徒步自愿,风险自担。徒步过程中出现任何意外,请联系您的个人保险公司,徒步群将不承担任何责任。

Gentle Reminders:

1. Prepare water, unperishable food, an umbrella and mosquito repellent.

2. Please pay attention to safety on the way, keep in step with the team and follow the commands given by the leader. In order to avoid accidents, we encourage teamwork and watch over each other.

3. This activity is completely voluntary, you are to join at your own risk. Singapore Hiking Group will not take any responsibility for any accidents that occurred in the course of the activity.


How to join Singapore Hiking Wechat group:


Participation condition: Take hike at least once every quarter


To join: Join any of our hike events, and ask team leader or team protector invite you into the Singapore Hiking Wechat Group on site;


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