之前的公司让签了份文件,说明离开该公司之后还会在新工作,最后一个月的工资就可以发到银行帐户。HR说如果不留在新加坡的话就会把该月的工资扣住以备income tax.估计应该是一个意思吧。
另外还有个问题,之前辞职信写的是这个月底离职,现在没假了,申请 NO PAY LEAVE,公司不让。说可以提前走。
另外谢谢 GENGISU 的回答。
可以签一个letter of undertaking,这样公司就不用扣着你的薪水了
给你一个模版, 仅供参考哈
Letter of Undertaking
I, xxxx of NRIC No: Sxxxx hereby confirm that I have no intention of leaving Singapore permanently after my cessation of employment with xxxx on xxxx.
On this undertaking and in view of the administrative concession given by the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore, I am aware that xxxx Company will not be filing the Form IR21 ( Notification By Employer Of An Employee’s Cessation Of Employment Or Departure From Singapore ) and will not be withholding any money due to me for tax clearance. I am to be fully responsible for any Singapore income tax liability owing by me.
I also undertake that should I leave Singapore permanently, I will settle all my taxes before my departure otherwise the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore may appoint the CPF Board or others as their agent and also issue a stop order preventing me from leaving Singapore.
Yours sincerely
或者,你就叫你的公司帮你file ir21, 把税结清也行啊, 大概一个礼拜iras就可以帮你做好assessment寄去公司