1。 能够辨认情绪。Recognize emotions
2. 能够表达情绪。 express your emotions literally.
3. 能够找出产生这个情绪的根本原因。 able to understand why you have this emotion.
这些都是跟Self esteem 的建立息息相关的。一个拥有健全Self esteem 的孩子,更加积极,阳光,乐观,长大后更能从挫折中振作起来,不会成为生活中的甩锅精,杠精,不会玻璃心,对自己接纳认可,坦然面对自己的长处和短处。
An essential element of the psychological development of three-year-olds is high self-esteem. Self-esteem is
more pronounced in the case of a mother’s democratic attitudes. In addition, the ability to understand the causes
of emotions is positively connected with a mother’s democratic attitudes. In contrast, a young child has the
highest level of the ability to recognise emotions when the mother favours the use of ascendancy and intrusion,
when she treats her child as a dependent individual. In relationship with authority, an intrusive mother’s young
child can develop an ability to accurately read emotional states in others as a coping strategy, but at the high price
of healthy self-esteem. Mother’s democratic attitudes relate to a high level of self-esteem, a high level of
understanding the causes of emotions, and an average level of recognition of emotions.