

我个人觉得这真的非常不公平,因为小弟我就这样被抓了,这是一个停车场,每一层楼都有像这样子的烟灰缸好让人丢烟蒂 (而且是每层楼都有)


用脑子想也知道 有抽烟的人一定会找烟灰缸, 既然这地​​方不可以抽烟 那政府为什么放一个烟灰桶子来混淆大家的想法?

那天我看到大家都站在这桶子旁边抽烟,当然我也站在这垃圾桶旁抽烟,但是这时候NEA 政府官员就走过来并且跟我说”这停车场” 不可以吸烟. 然后很xx的给了我一张罚单..


各位看到了吗? 这也太不公平了吧…每一层楼都有放置这种烟灰桶子(垃圾桶), 摆明就是让人抽烟的, 如果不能抽烟那你装这桶子是装什么意思的?

还是只是我倒楣? 故意找麻烦? Double Standard ?

各位新加坡的吸烟族阿…要小心阿! 下次抽烟要找好地方啊, 不是有这种stupid桶子就是代表可以吸烟阿..

English version:

i really think is not fair. I was so caught smoking in hdb carpark and the ironic part is, all these while this hdb carpark on all levels are provided a bin with an ash tray.

So many people has stand near to these bin and smoke and we will not litter the cigarette butt on the floor. We stick to that thought. So when I was caught, I ask them to give me a benefit of doubt since there are bins everywhere with the ash tray provided.


They said no and insist to issue me the court summon fine. After seeing the recent video of NEA officers letting a foreigner off, I decided not to keep quite about this case, As I really feel, this is clearly a DOUBLE STANDARD practice! Look at the bin, is clearly use by smokers and I feel kana entrapment!

  • 发表于 2019-07-31 23:33
  • 阅读 ( 185 )
  • 分类:新闻

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