


随着CBD项目的完成,物业咨询公司戴玉祥产业咨询公司Edmund Tie & Company(ET&Co)的一份报告显示,2018年新加坡合作办公空间的总量将以每年42%的速度增长,达到140万平方英尺。在接下来的两年里,还将增加约37.2万平方英尺(约3.5万平方米)的合作办公空间,其中约有59%将在新加坡CBD范围内。




世界上最大的共同办公空间运营商WeWork正在扩大其在亚洲的业务,也选择在今年登陆新加坡——其首个办公中心位于新加坡生机勃勃的商业区中心。位于著名的南海滩大道旁的海滩中心于2018年2月开业,旨在让客户体验古老而现代的新加坡。“WeWork有助于促进这种新的工作方式,”Wework东南亚区管理总监Turochas Fuad介绍,“WeWork提供了美观、实用、保持良好的空间,为今天的创造者提供充满活力的氛围。”



增加竞争优势的另一条思路是加入独特的主题和服务,比如有豪华的内部装饰和定制家具。ET&Co介绍:“许多房地产开发商开始意识到工作空间中创新和创造力的重要性,并开始在他们的开发项目中引入合作工作空间。”城市发展有限公司和中国联合办公空间Distrii办伴也曾联手在Raffles Place开设一个6.2万平方英尺的由科技驱动的合作办公空间,这是Distrii办伴开设的首个海外联合办公空间。

Co-working spaces to grow 42% to 1.4 million sqft in 2018

To increase their competitive edge, some co-working operators have incorporated unique themes and services, like The Great Room’s lavish interiors and custom-made furnishings.

Singapore’s co-working spaces market is booming. With more project completions in the CBD, a report by Edmund Tie & Company (ET&Co) revealed that by the end of 2018, the total amount of co-working spaces will grow by around 42% YoY to around 1.4 million sqft. Some 372,000 sqft of co-working spaces have been confirmed for the next two years, out of which, approximately 59% are planned in the CBD.

Multinational corporations (MNC) are now subscribed to over 50% of co-working memberships, according to ET&Co. “Co-working spaces offer companies flexibility in lease terms, which in turn help corporates manage the fluctuating staff members amidst economic uncertainties and project-based work.”

“Cost savings from using a co-working space is the most apparent in the CBD, where savings can amount to approximately 50% as compared to a traditional office space,” ET&Co added.

WeWork, the world’s largest co-working space operator is expanding its footprint in Asia with its first hub at the heart of Singapore’s vibrant downtown district. The Beach Centre, located beside the famed South Beach Avenue, aims to give its clients a taste of the old and modern Singapore, opened in February 2018.

“WeWork helps facilitate this new way to work,” says WeWork Southeast Asia Managing Director Turochas Fuad. “WeWork provides beautiful, functional, well-kept spaces that help facilitate thistype of work and create an atmosphere of vitality for today’s creators.”

As of the end of May 2018, there are about 110 co-working spaces in Singapore, amounting to around 1.1 million sqft. Around 21% of these are in the central business district (CBD) whilst about 10% of the spaces are in the area of Shenton Way/Robinson Road/Cecil Street/Anson Road/Tanjong Pagar, whilst 8% are in Raffles Place, and 3% are in Marina Bay.

One of them, Spaces by IWG, will occupy around 35,000 sqft in One Raffles Place when it commences operations in 2019. “A unique aspect of this space will be its ability to host and launch retail and fashion related events within a mall setting. It also aims to support a business community made up of different industries, which will include the creative industry and fintech companies,” the firm said.

Moreover, co-working spaces are gaining a competitive edge with targeted markets and services. “Co-working spaces differentiate themselves in various ways. About 67% is operating under major operator networks, with some targeting specific industries.”

An example is one of the largest co-working spaces in the CBD, the Singapore FinTech Co-working Hub 80RR in 80 Robinson Road. “Occupying 100,000 sqft, this hub offers the technological infrastructure and environment that fintech companies can tap on. By focusing on an industry, operators can organise events and training sessions to cater learning and networking opportunities for members,” ET&Co added.

To increase their competitive edge, some co-working operators have also incorporated unique themes and services, the firm noted, such as The Great Room, a hospitality inspired co-working space that has lavish interiors and custom-made furnishings.

“Many landlords are beginning to recognise the importance of innovation and creativity in workspaces and have begun to introduce co-working spaces in their developments,” ET&Co said.

City Developments Limited and Chinese co-working operator Distrii have also joined forces to open a 62,000 sqft tech-driven co-working facility in Raffles Place. This is Distrii’s first overseas location outside of China.

南都记者 张沛 综合整理自Singapore Business Review

  • 发表于 2019-07-16 18:04
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