









1. 今年,我 国 纪念开埠 200周年 。学校、 社区组织、宗教团体、宗乡会 馆 和 企业 ,都积极主 办 各项 活动, 述说新加坡的历史 。 许多国人也 到福康 宁中心 参观 了 开埠 200年展览, 并被 新加坡 这 几 百年来精彩的发展史所 感动。

2. 这些纪念活动 提醒 了 我们,新加坡 走过了一段漫长的风雨路,融汇了 不同的文化传统,才成就了今天 的温馨家园 。

3. 今年,我国 的 经济增长放缓 了,国际需求和贸易额也下降了,进而影 响本地制造业和一些服务业。尤其是去年表现比较强劲的电子业,今年也 因为全球电子业下滑而受到波及。不过, 一些领域目前的 表现 还算比较好 。 这类经济放缓的情形,我们也曾经历过。 我们 这次也 将 沉着应对。 如果有 必要 ,我们 会采取 刺激 经济的措施。


4. 基本上,世界已进入多事之秋,我们也面临严峻挑战。首先,贸易保 护主义抬头,引发反全球化浪潮,导致经济前景充满变数。第二,大国之 间摩擦加剧,带来了战略风险。 第三 ,气候变暖和海平面上升,也对人类 的生存构成威胁。

5. 面对这些全球性的问题,新加坡也难免受影响。 全球供应链被打乱, 改变了贸易 模式 以及国际投资的流向。我们必须做好准备,迎向截然不同 的未来。

6. 不过 回顾我国的发展道路,我们应该抱着从容应对的信心。新加 坡并非没有经历过难关和 考验 。关键是我们每一次都能够通过改组经济、 不断创新 、自我提升,每一次的考验都让新加坡更上一层楼。

7. 为了确保经济增长, 我们 积极 推动企业转型 ,取得不错的进展。 我们 制造先进的飞机零件,同时不断 研发新的疾病治疗法 ,并 推进金融科技服 务的发展。政府 正在扩建海港和机场,以满足亚洲蓬勃发展所带来的需 求。我们也在提升 两 座 综合 娱乐城的设施, 以 吸引更多游客 。本地 的科技与 创新领域发展良好 。多个政府机构正在帮助企业增强实力、扩充业务和 进军国际市场。

8. 为了应对未来的挑战,我们尽力帮助 国人 提升自我、掌握新技能。在 这方面,我们取得不错的成果。 “技能创前程”计划帮助了 数 万个国人提 升技能,也提高了他们的生产力和受雇能力,让他们能够胜任新 的工作 岗 位 。 这些措施不但能帮助新加坡应对长期的挑战,也能帮助我们渡过 当前 的经济不景气 。


9. 此外,为了确保国人在人生的每个阶段都能把握机会,我们会继续投 入更多资源和心血栽培人民。这需要 大家 的共同 努力。政府 会一如既往地 支持每 一位 国人 ,帮助大家发挥所长 为新加坡做出贡献。 我们每一个人 要不断地力求上进, 追逐梦想。 值得欣慰的是,父母也努力向孩子 灌输正 确的价值观, 让他们拥有 优良的 品德 。

10. 我们打算减轻本地家庭在学前和高等教育方面的负担,尤其是为中低 收入家庭提供实在的帮助。我们也努力满足年长国人的医疗和退休需求, 更好地保障他们的晚年生活。针对那些想要继续工作的 国人 ,我们会提高 退休年龄和重新雇佣年龄。总理将在国庆群众大会上提供更多详情。

11. 最后,我们必须 继续 打 造新加坡,让这里时时焕发新的活力。不久前, 一名外国领袖第一次到新加坡。他说,当飞机飞过新加坡 时,他立刻知道 自己在新加坡的上空。这是因为往下看, 他看到 每一个角落 无论是 住宅区、地标、绿地 或者 公园 都经过精心规划。岛国虽小,却璀璨 夺目,就像我们现在所在的地方 星耀樟宜。

12. 我相信很多人 到过星耀樟宜。置身在这个优美的环境中, 欣赏壮观的 室内瀑布,另有一番体验。这个项目也带来了很多新的工作机会。 9年前, 当樟宜机场面对激烈竞争时,我们的团队就构思了“星耀樟宜”这个概念。 自开幕以来,星耀樟宜 吸引 了不少国人和外国游客的注意。


13. 这扇通往世界的“樟宜之门”让我们非常自豪。它再次提醒我们,新 加坡的独特之处。它说明了国人不但有创意和胆识重塑新加坡,也有热忱 和能力让梦想成真。 可想 而知 其他的城市和机场已经打算仿效星耀樟宜 的概念,甚至可能做得更大、更好。不过,重点是,我们勇于创新、 把握 先机!

14. 在重新打造新加坡的众多计划中,星耀樟宜只是其中一个,其它的项 目包括:樟宜机场第五搭客大厦、大士港口、裕廊湖区、巴耶利峇空军基 地的重新发展,以及南部濒水地区。接下来的几十年, 我们将专注于 建设 更美好的家园, 为国人创造更多的新机会。

15. 当年我们的先辈无所畏 惧,飘洋过海地来到新加坡。我们的祖父母和 父母经历战乱,坚强地重建生活。建国一代勇敢建设国家,立国一代也努 力让新加坡从第三世界国家晋升到第一世界国家。他们的精神值得我们这 一代人学习,是我们的榜样。

16. 在这充满未知的世界里,让我们全民一心、排除万难,同时挑战自我、 开拓视野。新加坡要保持领先,就必须不断地推陈出新、积极开拓新领域。 这个小岛还有许多美好、精彩的新篇章,让我们去编写。我们的心有多宽, 世界就有多大,小国也能创造无限的可能。让我们为新加坡的未来共同努 力!


17. 祝大家国庆日快乐!


My fellow Singaporeans,

1. This year, we are commemorating our Bicentennial. Our schools, community groups, religious institutions, clan associations and even businesses have all organised events to tell their own histories. Many of us have been moved by the Bicentennial Experience at Fort Canning. It vividly depicts Singapore’s rich and eventful history down the centuries.

2. These activities remind us that our history stretches back well before 1965 when we became independent, and even before 1819 when the British arrived. Singapore has drawn from many cultures and traditions, in our journey towards nationhood. We have gone through many ups and downs.


3. This year, our economy has slowed down. Global demand and international trade have weakened. This has affected our manufacturing sector and trade-related services. In particular, we are feeling the worldwide cyclical downswing for electronics – which performed strongly last year. But other parts of our economy are still doing well. We have experienced such slowdowns before, and we will take this one in our stride. Should it become necessary to stimulate the economy, we will do so.

4. More fundamentally, the world is entering a more troubled period. We face grave challenges. One – economic uncertainties, with trade and globalisation under pressure. Two – strategic risks, with growing frictions between the major powers. And three – existential threats, with global warming and rising sea levels.


5. Singapore will not be immune to these global problems. On the economic front, they will disrupt supply chains, alter trade patterns and shift investment flows. We must get ourselves ready for a very different future.

6. But our past gives us confidence. Throughout our history, when trials and tribulations have beset us, we picked ourselves up, and worked together to overcome them. Each time the world changed, we were able to survive. Each time, we re-invented and renewed our economy, our people and our city, and we thrived again. And this is what we must keep on doing.


7. For the economy, we are making good progress transforming our industries. We are servicing advanced jet turbines, researching new cures for diseases, and pushing boundaries in FinTech services. Our seaport and airport are expanding to meet the growing demands of a dynamic Asia. The two integrated resorts, or IRs, are being enhanced to attract more tourists. Our tech and startup scenes are flourishing. Agencies like Enterprise Singapore are helping entrepreneurs and companies to strengthen, scale up and expand into the international market.


8. We are also making good progress re-skilling and upgrading our workforce to be future ready. SkillsFuture is building up the skills of tens of thousands of Singaporeans, helping them be more productive and employable, and preparing them for the new jobs being created. All these structural measures will not only address our longer term challenges, but also help see us through a more immediate downturn.

9. By continuing to invest heavily in our people, we enable each one of us to take advantage of new opportunities at every stage of life. This is a joint endeavour. The Government will keep on helping every citizen to achieve your potential and contribute your best to Singapore. Each one of us must strive to improve ourselves, do our best, and chase our dreams. And I know parents are making the effort to bring up children well, with the right character and values.


10. We intend to make preschool and tertiary education even more affordable, especially for lower and middle-income families. To help older Singaporeans, we have protected them for their healthcare and retirement needs. For those who wish to work longer, we will be raising the retirement and the re-employment ages. I will say more about these matters at the National Day Rally.

11. Finally, we must continue to renew our city. Recently a foreign leader, visiting us for the first time, told me that as his airplane flew over the island, he knew at once that he was over Singapore. Because, looking out of the window, he could see that every corner of the island had been meticulously thought through and lovingly tended – every housing precinct, every landmark, every patch of park and greenery. The island was a sparkling diamond, with brilliant facets catching the eye. Just like Jewel, at Changi Airport, where I am today.


12. Many of you have already visited Jewel, to explore its lush gardens, soak in the sight of the spectacular waterfall, and enjoy the unique ambience under the glass dome. Some of you may also work in the many new jobs created here. The Changi team conceived the concept of Jewel nine years ago, when Changi Airport was facing intense competition. Since its opening, Jewel has captured the imagination of both Singaporeans and visitors, and rightly so.

13. We are very proud of our new gateway to the world. It reminds us what makes this country special. It shows that Singaporeans not only have the creativity and daring to re-invent ourselves, but also the passion and the competence to turn dreams into Jewel, and perhaps even do it bigger and better. But we dared to attempt the new, and we did it first.


14. Jewel is just one of many things we are doing to remake our city. Changi Terminal 5, Tuas Megaport, the Jurong Lake District, the redevelopment of Paya Lebar Airbase, and the Greater Southern Waterfront – all these projects will keep us busy, and create new opportunities for Singaporeans for decades to come.

15. To stay in front of the pack, we must constantly come up with fresh ideas, always be ready to break new ground. What limits our possibilities is not the physical size of our island, but the ingenuity of our people and the boldness of our spirit.


16. Our island-story has many more bright chapters to unfold. Let us – today’s Singaporeans – be as intrepid as our ancestors who came from distant lands and made this their home; and be as tough as our parents and grandparents who endured war and occupation and rebuilt their lives. Let us be as resolute as the Pioneer Generation who fought for independence and founded our nation; and be as united as the Merdeka Generation who took up the baton and brought Singapore from Third World to First. Let us continue to work together as one united people to thrive in an uncertain world, challenge ourselves to explore new horizons, and commit our hearts and souls to Singapore and its future.


17. Happy National Day!

  • 发表于 2019-08-10 13:28
  • 阅读 ( 789 )
  • 分类:社会百科

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