- Jewel Changi Airport | Singapore
奥佳华(OGAWA)创立于1996年,在全球已拥有800多家品牌专卖店/专柜。新加坡星耀樟宜机场奥佳华旗舰店,是亚洲第一家旗舰店。作为按摩椅的巨头,其品牌的未来发展,着眼于将智慧科技融入健康生活。该店由新加坡SODA设计事务所(Spirit of Design Analogy Pte Ltd)负责设计,旨在打造‘智能感生活环境’体验。这是一个四方格的空间,设计师以圆弧设计来柔化空间,减少冷硬笔直的感觉,在空间的任何角落都不会看到尖角。LED灯带使有圆角和弧度的屏风及墙面更有线条美,也能丰富空间层次,视觉上更能突出其智能产品。因店内设有中医问诊房间,白色的选用会比较符合其医疗形象。再用木色和灰色搭配大量留白,设计出带有‘安静’气质的舒适空间,让客户有更好的按摩体验。为迎合现代人自由工作需要的便携式按摩产品,设计了专门摆放的圆形专柜。并设有三个不同的高度用来摆放产品,使每个产品都可以被看见,内嵌式软灯带也能圆润细节。
广告Smart Healthcare Lifestyle
Ogawa Group is an internationally renowned Heath and Wellness brand with a fast growing presence on a global scale. It has more than 800 retail stores worldwide since its founding in 1996. SODA is proud to be engaged as the Design Consultant for their largest flagship store in Asia which is located at Jewel Changi Airport. The store includes a robotic TCM massage clinic that provides in-house consultancy on any chiropractic enquires. The design narrative is envisaged as a hybrid of smart technology conjoining a retail lifestyle experience. The use of a guiding stream of light that beams across the spaces and direct the audience into the retail environment, thus highlighting its products. It naturally informs the soft edges at corners of the walls that are seamlessly connected throughout the various spatial zonal. Generally the white environment mimics a research laboratory and is paired with muted hues of timber grains to tone down the sobriety of a medical facility in order to achieve a well balance spatial design language. A circular fixture is designed with three levels of display heights to feature smaller products. The varying heights of the fixture allows audience to instantly browse and encourages direct interaction with the products.
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