
2019-07-15 19:11


[Corned Stone]


Total weight: 605.5 g


Auction time: 14 January 2019


Place of auction: Singapore Fine Art Auction(Marriott Hotel)


The pork stone is also called Caixia stone, and the meat stone can give people the feeling of pork in pork. Its skin is a natural crystal jade, luxurious, very similar, exquisite, elegant, and high-end luxury, real value.



The meatstone is a natural stone species, most of which are sedimentary rocks, silica rocks, or Metamorphic rocks. It is formed during the geological movement and is in contact with other minerals. The meatstone is very rare in nature. Meat stone can be divided into natural meat stone and craft meat stone, natural meat stone is meat stone with natural color; The process of meat stone is based on meat stone, and it is artificially involved in cutting, grinding, and forming meat stone.Meat stone: As the name implies, it is a stone that looks like meat. Meatstone can be divided into natural meatstone and craft meatstone.


At present, there are many producing areas for meat and stone production in China, such as Inner Mongolia, Hebei, Shandong, Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Guangxi, and Anhui. The meat stone produced is basically a silica rock. Whether the material is Agate, Jasper, or paraffin, its main component is Silicon dioxide. In terms of composition alone, there are not many stones that can be satisfied with becoming meat stones in nature. However, the surface production of natural meat and stone is very few, can be called pictographic fine, is rare.


The three representative meat stones are: Dongpo meat stone, honey sauce chicken leg, braised elbow. Shi You is called big meat, chicken leg and elbow.


(This strange stone is a natural stone. The color and texture are all naturally formed. It looks like a lifelike five-flower piece. The fat and thin layer of "meat" is clear, the texture is clear, the pores are clear, and the texture is quite realistic. The historical and cultural value it carries is beyond the reach of other stones.



According to the senior Tibetans in the ornamental stone collection industry, the best meat stone that can truly reach the collection level must have the following conditions: 1. Real natural, without any traces of artificial cutting and polishing. 2, meat skin is better, skin texture, pores realistic, this is the most important! 3, the distribution of the meat layer is reasonable, the proportion of fat and thin is appropriate, in line with the physiological anatomical characteristics of pork.


If you are interested in setting up this collection, please contact the relevant business personnel of our company for advance consultation card.


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In time, according to the actual situation of the buyer group of the company, according to the collection that has been collected, we can communicate with the buyer in a timely manner to understand the trend and price of the market for the collection of the collection.

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