
2019-08-06 08:39




The maximum tenancy period for people who are neither Malaysia nor Singapore citizens renting a Housing Board flat or bedroom here is set to increase.

The current maximum period is one and a half years but from Jan 1, it will be increased to two years, said HDB in a statement on Tuesday (Dec 18).

The revised tenancy period only applies to flat owners whose applications in this category reach HDB on or after Jan 1 2019.


"This revision will give flat owners greater flexibility to secure a longer tenancy period with non-citizen tenants who may have work or immigration passes that are valid for a longer period of two years," the statement said.

For cases where all tenants are Singapore citizens, Malaysians, or both, the maximum tenancy period remains unchanged at three years.

Those currently renting out to non-Malaysians and non-Singaporeans with HDB approval will be allowed to continue doing so for the remaining approved duration, added HDB.


“新加坡政府组屋”即是新加坡的公共住房、国民住宅,由新加坡政府机构建屋发展局(Housing and Development Board,简称建屋局、HDB)规划兴建,以优惠价格出售给人民(少量租赁给人民),让人民分期付款购买。政府会给符合条件者提供各种购房津贴。

